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Natural resources: cobalt and diamonds; uranium, tin, gold, silver, zinc, manganese, tungsten and cadmium.
Informal economy: 80 % with 30 societies that contribute, by paying their taxes, to more than two-thirds of the income of the state.
Positive perspectives about the improvements made for the fiscal consolidation and for the development of the economy.  

At the moment there aren’t investments by large and medium-size Italian companies. There is still a little group of Italian businessmen for the wood sector, for the construction sector, and for the sectors of commerce and services.
In 2011 a commercial surplus for Italy, that increased up to 62 million Euro, thanks to a growth of the made in Italy of 66 %.
Opportunities of cooperation in the field of the monitoring of the territory, of the environmental protection, exploration of woods, mineral extractionand manufacturing.



GDP (nominal)   
Per capita GDP (PPP)
GDP growth    
Average Gross salary


 2.345.410 km²
72.000.000 inhabitants.
21.352 million USD
328 USD (2011)    
6,6% (2012)


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