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The commercial importance of this country in the Sub-Saharan Africa is considerable: it produces around 40 % of the GDP of the Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-africaine.
Agriculture is the most important sector ( Ivory Coast is the first world cacao producer and third coffee producer.
Benefits established by the investments code.
Possibility of investments in these sectors: agriculture (coffee, cacao, oil palm, rubber tree, cotton, sugarcane, control quality services of exported products) Agri-business, construction.
For Italian companies in particular, large and medium-size/small, there are many opportunities for the processing of raw materials.  Compared with other countries of this area, Ivory Coast has a bigger commercial infrastructure. 

Population growth
GDP (nominal)
GDP Growth    
Per capita GDP (PPP)
Average Gross salary

322 460 km²
21.952.093 inhabitants (2012)
2,044 % (2011)
35,6 billion USD (2011    
5,8 % (2011)    
1.600 USD (2011)     
59,90 EUR/month
5,2 % (2011)
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