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Principal netural resources: cotton plantation and sugarcane.  It’s a relatively open Country towards Europe, Asia, USA and BRIC.
Senegal is part of the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union.
In the ranking list of the Senegalese import, that in the second part  of the year 2011 amounted to 2,225 billion Euro, Italy takes the 7th place.
Italian products are well accepted, thanks to the value for money ( of the products of the infrastructural and construction sectors) and thanks to the important presence of the Senegalese community in Italy. Concerning investments, France has a big economic importance in Senegal, this is due to historical and cultural reasons and to the presence of a big networks of public structure responsible for the promotion.



Population growth
GDP nominal (2012)
GDP growth (2012)

196.722 km²
12.969.606 inhabitants (2011)
2,532 (2011)
13.224,90 million USD     
2,5 (2012) 


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