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Nigeria is the first market of West Africa and the second market of Sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa. Alone, it produces 50 % of the GDP of West Africa and represents 60 % of its population, with around 170 million people. Better known for its oil and gas sector, Nigeria has to face up to the daily growth of energy needs, an average annual growth of around 7%, a medium class, a rising middle class, and an always bigger upper class.
Particular business opportunities come up in these sectors:  
•    infrastructures and construction industry  edilizia:  the population growth together with the urbanization of the country have a direct impact on infrastructures (railways, streets, harbour…) and on the real estate needs (shops, homes…).
•    Agri-food sector: superior spending power and more attention to food consumption and to agricultural production.
•    Medical-pharmaceutical: the 7th world biggest population needs hospital equipement, pharmaceutical products but also cosmetics and biotechnological products…
•    ICT : in 2001 the liberalization of the telecommunication sector caused the market growth, with an annual rate of around 50%.
Population growth
GDP (nominal)   
GDP growth (PPP)    
Per capita GDP
Official Languages
923.768 km²
158.092.542 inhabitants.
345.381 billion USD (2009)
7,68% (2011)
1.500 USD
9,3% (2011)
English and French

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