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Its economy is based in particular on the export of oil. They import most of the products necessary to their food requirement, chemical and pharmaceutical products, consumption goods, equipment for the oil sector. They need to diversify the investments and to attract new foreign investors. In 2012 this country started a project of public works in order to fil the lack of infrastructures.
Special economic zones with a favorable fiscal regime  has been created to attract foreign capitals.  


Population growth
GDP (nominal)
GDP growth
Per capita GDP (PPP)
Average Gross salary

267.667 km²
885 km
1.608.321 inhabitants (2012)
1,977 % (2011)
24,28 billion USD (2011)        
5,6 % (2011)    
16.000 USD (2011)          
447,40 EUR/month
1,6 % (2011)


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